Apron Area / Gate Operations Planning
SPS helps airport operators and airlines by leveraging our experience, software licenses, and hands-on training, to apply industry-leading gate allocation and ramp planning tools and models, including CAST Stand & Gate Allocation, AirTOP Parking Position Gate Allocation, TAAM, and Path-Planner Ramp Simulation Tool. We augment these tools with our proven experience to help airport operators and airlines make informed decisions about:
Increasing capacity while reducing delay and congestion
Optimizing the interface between the airfield and the terminal
Streamlining the movement of aircraft, vehicles, and ground service equipment
Improving passenger bussing operations
Maximizing resource deployment and scheduling
Developing gate allocation rules, procedures, and protocols to optimize performance
Complying with use agreement procedures and facility utilization metrics
Establishing a gate use strategy to achieve airline and airport objectives
Quantify stand/gate demand for existing and future flight schedules/fleet mix
Balancing contact stand utilization vs. aircraft towing
Improving gate performance during construction